Estill Voice Center - Helga Westmark
Estill Voice Training

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Here you fill in all necessary personal data to be registered properly for the course you want to join and you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Price: 300 Euro, incl., coffee, tea, snack (excl. Estill online book)
Presenter: Estill Mentor & Course Instructor (EMCI), Helga Westmark
Language: (English/ German)
Times: Sat. 14/3,14 -21pm, Sun. 15/3, 9 -16pm
If you take both level One + level Two - you pay only 625€

NB! you must also register here with DATA to buy Estill book online!

Estill Voice Training

My Mentor, Jo Estill, and I in Orlando, Florida, USA - 2005 at the Second Estill World Voice Symposium.